Employee Skills Detail


Employee Skills

Employee Skills Detail

Add/Edit an Employee Skills Detail Record

Skill Information

  • Skill Code.  Define the skill by selecting the skill code of available selections.
  • Industry Certified?  If the employee is industry-certified in the skill, select the Industry Certified checkbox.
  • Proficiency.  Assign a proficiency level to the skill by selecting a proficiency code.
  • Last Used.  Complete the last used field with the date that the employee last used this skill.
  • Years of Experience.  Enter the number of years of experience. Enter 0 for less than one year.
  • Comments.  Enter any relevant comments or reference information.

Testing Information

Record the results of any related testing for an employee who has taken a test related to this skill. If no skills test related to this skill has been taken, leave the testing information section blank.

  • Test Code.  Select the test code.
  • Score.  Enter the test score received.
  • Test Date.  Enter the date that the test was taken.