Employee Employment History Detail


Employee Employment History Detail

Employee Employment History Detail

Fields on the Employee Employment History Detail

Previous Employer

  • Name.  Enter the name of the previous employer.
  • Start Date.  Record the start date of employment with this employer.
  • End Date.  Record the end date of employment with this employer.

Job Information

  • Job Title.  Enter the job title at this employer.
  • Employment Type.  Select the type of employment.
  • Payroll Mode.  The payroll mode indicates both the pay frequency and the way the pay amount was calculated.
  • Pay Amount.  A dollar amount that in conjunction with the payroll mode indicates the pay history for the previous employer.

Other Information

  • Reason For Leaving.  Enter the reason for leaving the employer.
  • Reference Name.  Enter a reference name related to this employment.
  • Phone.  If available, enter a phone number for the reference or for the employer.