The Employee Benefits Report, PER00027, provides benefit plan information, grouped and sorted by Employee Number. Included employees' benefit plans are listed from left to right alphabetically by benefit-type description.
For all benefit types, the plan benefit code, coverage, and effective date range display. Different information is provided depending on the benefit type. Plans for basic life, deferred contribution, dental, medical, and vision, display annual costs, benefit limit, and benefit amount (such as life insurance death benefit). For benefit hours, the current accrual, current available, total accrued, and maximum accrual (or available maximum depending on setup) hours display.
Businesses sometimes export PER00027 to XLS format for use in a spreadsheet.
In addition, if an employee requests a list of benefits in which he or she participates, this report can be processed for a single employee and provided as a benefits statement.
Employee Benefits Report, PER00027