The Reporting Period Payroll Tax Contribution/Wage Report, PAY00716, provides information to verify taxable wages, employee tax withholding, and employer tax contributions per date range.
The PAY00716 reports on archived tax records, including according to the selected filters. Because payroll posting stores tax percentages and wage-limit history, PAY00716 can provide percentages and wage limits from archived payroll and tax data by Tax Code per employee: year-to-date wages, reporting period wages, taxable wages, wages in excess of the taxable limit, tax amounts, and weeks worked.
Exempt employees' wages are excluded on the PAY00716 report per tax code.
PAY00716 uses the percentage from posted payrolls. As part of the posting, the tax percentage and wage limit are stored for later reporting.
Payroll Tax Contribution & Wage Report, PAY00716