The Company Logo Table is used to upload a JPG or BMP file for use on printed employee payment forms for a particular company.
To include a logo on employee payment forms, each Company Code requires one Company Logo record. Where multiple CompanyCodes are in the same client container, a Company Logo record is needed for each Company Code.
Before adding a Company Logo record for payment forms, verify that the preferred logo file is to the following specifications, and note the file path and file name. For users Remote Desktop users, logos need to be uploaded to the FTP before starting this procedure.
The payment form logo needs to be a JPEG (.jpg) or bitmap (.bmp) file with the following dimensions: 301 pixels wide by 114 pixels high (2.01 inches wide by 0.76 inches high) at 150 DPI (dots per inch) for best results when printing on payment forms. These specifications only apply to payment form logos.
Sample Check Logo
Company Logo Table Example
Anyone with access to the Company Logo Table can upload the logo for employee payment forms. If your organization accesses the system through the online portals exclusively, your system administrator can load a logo onto the payment forms for your organization.
To upload a new logo, delete any existing logo record(s) for the Company Code, and add a new logo record with the correct file specifications and file path.
1. Open the Company Logo Table. (Through the Enterprise Client program, go to the Company Codes Table. Click on the Company Logo button. Result: The Company Logo Table opens.)
2. Click on the Browse List icon to view each of the Company Logo records in a selection list.
Note: Delete and add entries on the Company Logo Table instead of editing.
WARNING: If you edit a Logo File Path and save the record, the system cannot upload or update the logo.
3. Determine whether the Company Code has an existing Company Logo Table record.
4. Where no Company Logo record exists for the Company Code, then continue to step 5. Where a Company Logo record for the Company Code exists, then navigate to that record and delete the existing company logo or logos for that Company Code.
(a) Click on the Delete icon.
(b) When the system prompts, "Would you like to delete this record," click on Yes.
5. Add a new company logo record for the Company Code.
(a) Click on the Add icon.
(b) Select the Company Cd.
(c) Enter the Logo File Path. Enter the complete file path to the JPEG image, including the .JPG file extension. When you type the file path, be sure to type the correct characters (i.e. backward slashes "\" and colons not commas or semicolons.).
(d) Click on the Save icon. Result: When you save a new record, the system prompts, "Would you like to add this record?"
(e) Click Ok to save the record and upload the image file.
6. Where multiple Company Codes are in the same container, add a new company logo record for each Company Code.
If the file path or image file name is incorrect, if this record was edited, or if another Company Logo record exists for this Company Code, the system indicates, "The image file or path name is not valid." The system continues and saves the record, but in most cases, the image will not be uploaded. If this occurs, delete the record, add a new one with the correct the Logo File Path, and click on Save again.
Other private branding, including logos for the online portals is handled outside the system. For private labeling of the website, please and ask your service representative for more information.