Note: The Employee Position Detail overrides the Employee Pay Rates Detail. If the Employee Positions Details are being used, alter pay rate details there.
Pay Rates Detail
Fields on the Employee Pay Rates Detail
Payroll Labor Distribution
The labor distributions 1 through 4 need to be unique per pay rate record for a particular employee. To call a variable pay rate, all four labor distributions on the pay rate detail need to be identical to what is entered during pay entry, including any blank labor distributions.
For a full-time employee, the assigned FTE allocations should add up to 1.0. An employee with two jobs that are "50-50" would be assigned as 0.5 on one detail and 0.5 on the other detail.
To allocate the earnings the same way each pay period, enter the FTE Allocation on each Pay Rate detail that is defined to Split Payroll Distr. The system will automatically distribute the wages accordingly when a time entry record is saved with ‘SPLIT’ selected as the Labor Segment 1 value.
To allocate varying hours each pay period, leave the FTE Allocation field blank.
Effects of Pay Rates
Whenever the exact labor distribution defined for the employee on a pay rate is entered, then the detailed pay entry spreadsheet will populate that rate when the pay entry record is saved.
Activate SPLIT Rates
For each employee whose time needs to be split, enter a pay entry earning record with a Labor Segment 1 value of SPLIT.
To activate split labor distributions for a row of earnings, a Labor Segment 1 Code must be defined with the SPLIT code, 'SPLIT’ needs to be selected as the Labor Segment 1 for a row of earnings, and the pay entry record needs to be saved on the detailed pay entry spreadsheet.
Whenever SPLIT is the Labor Segment 1 for an earning and the pay entry record is saved, the system seeks out the selected employee’s Position Detail records with Create Payroll Distribution selected and/or Pay Rate records with Split Payroll Distr selected, and the system populates the Hourly Rate and the labor distribution with values from the associated records.