Assign Roles Window


Assign Employee Roles

Assign Roles Window

Assign a Role or Roles to an Employee

NAVIGATION:  Employee ESS Pin Detail> Assign Roles button

To assign one or more roles to an employee, select the checkbox(es) for the role or roles, and save.

  1. Verify or select the Employee from the upper navigation bar.
  2. Navigate to the Employee ESS Pin Detail.
  3. Assign Roles button.  Click the Assign Roles button.
  4. Employee Number.  The selected employee displays in a read-only field.
  5. Roles.  Select the role or roles. The code and description of each established role is listed. The description is what displays on the login screen.
  6. Save.  Click on Save.
  7. To close Assign Roles, click on its X-button.

To assign login information to additional employees, return to the ESS Users Table/Employee ESS Pin Detail.