Employee Net Pay Detail


Employee Net Pay Detail

Employee Net Pay Detail

Step-by-step instructions for how to add a direct deposit for an employee, are available from the Add an Employee Direct Deposit topic.

Fields on the Employee Net Pay Detail

To view the Net Pay code in a secondary window, click on the ellipsis button at the end of the Net Pay Code field.

Processing Information

On the Employee Net Pay Detail, enter a specific Net Pay Amount or enter a Percentage of the total net pay for this particular Net Pay Detail record. If you enter an amount, enter 0 in the percentage field. If you enter a percentage, enter 0 as the amount.

Processing Information for Direct Deposits

If this Net Pay is a direct deposit, the employee's bank transit number and bank account number must be completed. Entering a Pre-Note Expire (date) is recommended for a direct deposit.

To put a pre-note in effect for the next payroll, go to the Employee Net Pay Detail before processing the next payroll, and enter a Pre-Note Expire date that is after the next check date and before the check date for the subsequent payroll.

To end a pre-note for the next payroll, enter a Pre-Note Expire Date that is before the next check date, or delete the Pre-Note Expiration date.

Avoid entering a Pre-Note Expiration Date on the Check Date for the next payroll. When the Pre-Note Expire date is the same date as the Check Date, no pre-note processes and no direct deposit processes for that check date.

See the Pre-Note topic for more information.

Payroll Information

After the Net Pay processes, the Payroll Information section of the Employee Net Pay Detail display the Current, Month to Date, Quarter to Date, and Year to Date Totals.

The payroll accumulator selection on each pay run's Payroll Calendar will cause these amounts to update and reset accordingly.